Super Charged Foods for Post Facelift Healing 

Super Charged Foods are an important part of your healing journey…

You spent a lot of money and took time out of your life to do this surgery. My hope for you is to get the most out of this as possible. Your recovery has so many elements to it  and one that should not be overlooked is Super Charged Foods you feed yourself during this healing period. You know what they say…. “you are what you eat!”

One thing I had not considered before my surgery is what I can and will want to eat afterwards. I had no idea I would be limited in this respect, I have never seen anyone talk about this subject online.  Yet I have come to realize that Super Charged Foods are an important part of your healing process. While you have your head helmet on you will barely be able to open your mouth and therefore will mostly be eating something through a straw or with a spoon. For me this period lasted over a week! Even 3 weeks later the energy it takes to chew hard solid food and the feeling on my jaw and down my neck were not pleasant or desirable. I was not even interested in eating salads, one of my favorite summer time foods. Of course in my air conditioned room it does not feel like summer as it’s kept at a cool 24 degrees.

Beyond the lack of desire to chew food there is the energy it takes. You have gone through major surgery. You have A LOT of healing to do. I won’t remind you what you just did to your face but its not pretty and will take a lot of repairing to rebuild all the connections and that takes a lot of energy. So you don’t want to divert your body’s energy towards digestion and you also want to give it the proper healing foods to help the process move along as quick as possible.

In my research I found that these ingredients are powerhouses to help in your post op healing process. They offer essential building blocks for healing including vitamins A, C, and E along with zinc, calcium, potassium, and protein. These foods listed below offer the highest amount of these nutrients to help super charge your healing. I have scoured the web for the most tasty smoothies and soups that include one or more of these ingredients. These to type of foods, smoothies and soups are the perfect combination during your recovery as they require no chewing, are quickly digestible and you can easily pack either with a ton of nutrients. When you are up to having something simple to chew you can take any of the soup recipes and leave a portion of it chunky to add more texture instead of pureeing the entire soup.


Powerhouse Foods for Post Op Surgery Healing


Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, essential for skin repair and immune function, aiding in facial surgery recovery.

Potatoes provide a good source of potassium, crucial for regulating fluid balance and reducing post-surgery swelling, promoting a smoother recovery process.

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, supporting collagen production and immune function, key for tissue healing after facial surgery.

Red peppers offer a hefty dose of vitamin C, aiding in collagen synthesis and strengthening blood vessels, which can help minimize bruising and promote faster wound healing post-surgery.

Broccoli is packed with vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and wound healing, making it a valuable addition to the diet during facial surgery recovery.

Spinach is high in iron and vitamin K, supporting oxygen transport and blood clotting, respectively, crucial for optimal wound healing and recovery after facial surgery.

Lima beans are rich in protein and fiber, promoting tissue repair and aiding in digestion, essential for a smooth recovery process following facial surgery.

Apples are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, aiding in collagen production essential for wound healing post-surgery. Their fibrous texture also supports oral health, crucial during facial surgery recovery.

Lemons offer a potent dose of vitamin C, promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Their acidic nature may help prevent infections in surgical wounds, contributing to faster recovery.

Spinach and kale are packed with vitamins A and K, crucial for skin regeneration and blood clotting, respectively. Their high water content also aids in hydration, essential for maintaining skin elasticity during recovery. Oranges provide vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which enhance the body’s immune response and promote collagen synthesis, crucial for scar healing after facial surgery.

Oranges provide vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which enhance the body’s immune response and promote collagen synthesis, crucial for scar healing after facial surgery.

Bananas offer a soft, easily digestible source of potassium and vitamin B6, supporting nerve function and energy levels during the recovery process.

Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and pain following facial surgery. Celery is rich in vitamin K and antioxidants, supporting blood clotting and reducing oxidative stress, respectively, aiding in post-surgery recovery and minimizing bruising.

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate post-surgery swelling and discomfort, while also aiding digestion, which can be beneficial during recover.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, potentially reducing swelling and promoting tissue healing post-surgery. Pumpkin Seeds are rich in zinc, vital for immune function and wound healing, making them a valuable addition to the diet during facial surgery recovery.

Chia Seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair, supporting optimal recovery following facial surgery.


Foods to Avoid During Post Op Healing


It’s not only about what you should eat to enhance healing but also what foods you should avoid in order to have the best outcome. Some foods can actually work against you during this healing, regrowth process. These foods can rerail and slow down the healing process.

Avoiding these foods can help minimize potential complications, support the healing process, and promote overall well-being post-surgery. It’s essential to follow any specific dietary guidelines provided by your healthcare provider or surgeon based on your individual needs.



  1. Highly processed foods: These often lack essential nutrients and may contain additives or preservatives that could potentially interfere with healing.
  2. Sugary foods and beverages: Excessive sugar consumption can impair immune function and increase inflammation, slowing down the recovery process.
  3. High-fat foods: While healthy fats are beneficial, consuming excessive amounts of high-fat foods can be hard on the digestive system, especially post-surgery when digestion might be compromised.
  4. Spicy foods: Spicy foods can irritate the digestive system and may cause discomfort, particularly if you have undergone gastrointestinal surgery.
  5. Hard-to-digest foods: Certain foods like raw vegetables, tough meats, and high-fiber grains may be difficult to digest post-surgery, potentially causing discomfort or even complications.
  6. Alcohol and caffeine: These substances can interfere with medication, dehydrate the body, and disrupt sleep patterns, all of which are crucial for a speedy recovery.



Nutrient Dense Recipes:


Here is a list of delicious smoothies to super charge your healing after your surgery:

Post Surgery Smoothies – LINK

Soups are comforting and can easily be packed with great healing food for your post op recovery:

Post Surgery Soups – LINK

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